Care You Can Always Count On


Chiropractor adjusting woman's neck

Four Recurring Issues Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe Can Help With

As a trusted chiropractic physician in Santa Fe, Dr. Perlstein of the Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe is dedicated to providing effective solutions for acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal pain issues. Our licensed and certified staff specializes in chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, and pain management injection treatments. Read on to learn about four recurring issues…


Four Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care You May Not Have Known

As people become more health conscious, they are constantly searching for ways to improve their well-being. But one often overlooked but highly effective form of healthcare is chiropractic care. Most commonly associated with treating back pain, chiropractic care offers a wide range of health benefits that many people may not be aware of. Family Chiropractic…

Man clutching his album in pain

Natural Joint Pain Therapies – Local Chiropractor Advises

Though there are different forms of arthritis, one thing they all share is that they bring about joint pain. However, various natural remedies may aid in managing mild symptoms, more so if you incorporate them together with other treatments from the Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe. Some herbs possess anti-inflammatory aspects that are helpful…

Chiropractor giving a patient a massage.

Types of Massage Therapies in Santa Fe

Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe offers various massages for different parts of your body or healing procedures. Massage is the action of kneading and rubbing the body by the use of hands. Our local massage therapist applies strong or gentle pressure to your joints and muscles in the massage course to ease tension and…


Chiropractic Care For All Ages: Aligning Your Family’s Wellness

Over the years, the value of chiropractic care has been more widely recognized and accepted as more than “alternative medicine,” but a viable treatment modality for many ailments including chronic pain, intestinal issues, headaches, sleep disorders, and mental health concerns. In some cases, chiropractic care has proven itself to be more beneficial and effective to…


Tips to a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting and exhausting time in a woman’s life. The experience of growing a baby within her has a profound impact on a mother’s body and can cause discomfort during and well after the pregnancy. As you can well imagine, the birthing process causes quite a bit of trauma to the mother’s body…

A close up photo of a woman hugging herself and grasping the muscles of her back. Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash.

Benefits of Seeing a Local Chiropractor

There is no shortage of reasons to consider visiting a chiropractor, as their services can help with a whole range of health concerns and mobility issues. When you decide to see a local chiropractor, the advantages increase even more.  In this article, we’ll discuss how choosing a local chiropractor creates a greater sense of trust…

A field of white-petaled flowers in the daytime. Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash.

Can Chamomile Help With Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues affecting people today, but there’s no single cure, pill, or remedy for the affliction. Some doctors may recommend anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medications or benzodiazepines to patients, but these tend to have long-term negative effects on health.  As an alternative medicine, more and more holistic health professionals…

A doctor holds the shoulder of a male patient to test his body's response.

How Prolotherapy Can Help You Heal

Back and joint pain is a problem affecting millions of people around the world. In the United States alone, one in four Americans suffers from chronic arthritis (CDC). In today’s globalized medical market, there are no shortage of options to choose from when it comes to treatments. Prolotherapy is an increasingly common form of treatment…


How to Naturally Avoid the Flu

Flu season 2019 is upon us. Each year, October officially marks the beginning of flu season, but 2019 has already seen hundreds of cases and many more are projected to be diagnosed this flu season. Your local primary care physician may attempt to have you believe that the flu vaccine is the only way you…

Chiropractor adjusting woman's neck

Four Recurring Issues Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe Can Help With

As a trusted chiropractic physician in Santa Fe, Dr. Perlstein of the Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe is dedicated to providing effective solutions for acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal pain issues. Our licensed and certified staff specializes in chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, and pain management injection treatments. Read on to learn about four recurring issues…


Four Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care You May Not Have Known

As people become more health conscious, they are constantly searching for ways to improve their well-being. But one often overlooked but highly effective form of healthcare is chiropractic care. Most commonly associated with treating back pain, chiropractic care offers a wide range of health benefits that many people may not be aware of. Family Chiropractic…

Man clutching his album in pain

Natural Joint Pain Therapies – Local Chiropractor Advises

Though there are different forms of arthritis, one thing they all share is that they bring about joint pain. However, various natural remedies may aid in managing mild symptoms, more so if you incorporate them together with other treatments from the Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe. Some herbs possess anti-inflammatory aspects that are helpful…

Chiropractor giving a patient a massage.

Types of Massage Therapies in Santa Fe

Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe offers various massages for different parts of your body or healing procedures. Massage is the action of kneading and rubbing the body by the use of hands. Our local massage therapist applies strong or gentle pressure to your joints and muscles in the massage course to ease tension and…


Chiropractic Care For All Ages: Aligning Your Family’s Wellness

Over the years, the value of chiropractic care has been more widely recognized and accepted as more than “alternative medicine,” but a viable treatment modality for many ailments including chronic pain, intestinal issues, headaches, sleep disorders, and mental health concerns. In some cases, chiropractic care has proven itself to be more beneficial and effective to…


Tips to a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting and exhausting time in a woman’s life. The experience of growing a baby within her has a profound impact on a mother’s body and can cause discomfort during and well after the pregnancy. As you can well imagine, the birthing process causes quite a bit of trauma to the mother’s body…

A close up photo of a woman hugging herself and grasping the muscles of her back. Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash.

Benefits of Seeing a Local Chiropractor

There is no shortage of reasons to consider visiting a chiropractor, as their services can help with a whole range of health concerns and mobility issues. When you decide to see a local chiropractor, the advantages increase even more.  In this article, we’ll discuss how choosing a local chiropractor creates a greater sense of trust…

A field of white-petaled flowers in the daytime. Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash.

Can Chamomile Help With Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues affecting people today, but there’s no single cure, pill, or remedy for the affliction. Some doctors may recommend anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medications or benzodiazepines to patients, but these tend to have long-term negative effects on health.  As an alternative medicine, more and more holistic health professionals…

A doctor holds the shoulder of a male patient to test his body's response.

How Prolotherapy Can Help You Heal

Back and joint pain is a problem affecting millions of people around the world. In the United States alone, one in four Americans suffers from chronic arthritis (CDC). In today’s globalized medical market, there are no shortage of options to choose from when it comes to treatments. Prolotherapy is an increasingly common form of treatment…


How to Naturally Avoid the Flu

Flu season 2019 is upon us. Each year, October officially marks the beginning of flu season, but 2019 has already seen hundreds of cases and many more are projected to be diagnosed this flu season. Your local primary care physician may attempt to have you believe that the flu vaccine is the only way you…



2019 Galisteo St. Suite M6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

P: 505-984-0006

Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe provides cutting-edge chiropractic services.

Learn more about our practice and what we can do for you.

Learn about Dr. Perlstein and our dedicated staff.

Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe is committed to your good health and well-being.

Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe is a family practice, providing safe and effective treatment for everyone from newborns to centenarians.

Learn what our patients are saying about their great chiropractic experiences.

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