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Dr. Perlstein’s Blog

Dr. Perlstein is a family chiropractor in Santa Fe who takes a holistic approach to healing. At the Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe, Dr. Steve Perlstein offers a variety of chiropractic treatment options to optimize your health and wellbeing. From alignments to massage, injection treatments, and prolotherapy, your local chiropractor can help!

Tune into Dr. Perlstein’s blog to learn everything you need to know about chiropractic treatment as the path to total wellness. Topics will include health and wellness tips, common treatments used, and the latest techniques and technologies. For more information or to schedule your consultation, contact us today!

How The Media Lie About Supplements

(NaturalNews) How does the Media lie? How do the major networks mislead you into buying things you normally wouldn’t buy, or NOT buying things you would regularly buy? How does the media convince you so well, to change your mind and spend money supporting the wrong causes, the wrong “cures,” and worst of all, the…


Exercise: The Motivator Is How Good It Feels

Sold on the Feeling, if Not the Benefits to Health Almost everyone has gotten the message that exercise is important for health. Yet most who start exercise programs stop. Perhaps, researchers say, the way to persuade more people to exercise is to study those rare individuals who love it. What makes someone a committed exerciser?…


7 Foods That Help Fight Pain

   Try These Pain-Fighting Edibles Research shows that some common healthy foods may help improve chronic pain. Learn how ginger, red grapes, and salmon, among others, can help in your fight against pain. Ginger Ginger is a root that can be used in flavoring dishes from stir-fry foods to gingerbread cookies. It is most often…


13 Best Superfoods

Why Are They So Super? Ask five nutritionists to rate the 13 most powerful foods and you’ll get five different lists, but many of the selections will overlap. Why? Because every food provides something different: Some are a rich source of protein or fiber but void of many vitamins and minerals, while others contain disease-fighting…


Beware GMO Sweet Corn From Monsanto


Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade

1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice (4 -6 lemons) 4-6 cups of purified water 1 tsp of ground turmeric 1 tsp of cinnamon … Pinch of Himalayan Salt Optional: Honey (or to taste) Optional: 1 tsp ground/fresh ginger


Gene May Explain Why Some Smokers Must Fight To Quit

Smokers struggling to quit may feel they are living the myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned for eternity to roll a boulder up a mountain and then watch it roll down again. Why is it so incredibly hard to quit—even when you are desperate to do so? For some people, the answer may be in…


Exposing the Dangers of Hip Replacement Surgery

As if you need another reason to prioritize nonsurgical, nondrug health care whenever possible, consider a recent investigative article published in the British Medical Journal.According to the article, “Hundreds of thousands of patients around the world may have been exposed to toxic substances after being implanted with poorly regulated and potentially dangerous hip devices.” The…


Cancer and Politics – Please Read

During 1950 after many years of research, a dedicated biochemist by the name of Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr., isolated a new vitamin that he numbered B-17 and called ‘Laetrile’. As the years rolled by, thousands became convinced that Krebs had finally found the complete control for all cancers, a conviction that even more people…


Yoga for Back Pain

Treat Your Achy Back With Yoga 7 Best Yoga Poses to Soothe Back Pain Whether you’re living with chronic pain or just want to stretch and strengthen your back, here are seven beginner yoga poses to try. Achy back? Give yoga a go. Multiple studies have shown the power of the ancient practice, which emphasizes…


The Truth About Happiness


In Case You Eat at McDonalds…


Five Healthy Behaviors Lower Dementia Risk

A 35-year study from the UK cites five lifestyle behaviors that have been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline, and researchers say these healthy habits are more beneficial than medical treatments or preventative procedures. The study, published in the journal PLOS One, was led by Prof. Peter Elwood of Cardiff University’s School of…


More Helpful Fatty Acids Found in Organic Milk

Whole milk from organic dairies contains far more of some of the fatty acids that contribute to a healthy heart than conventional milk, scientists are reporting. A study shows that drinking whole organic milk is more likely to lessen the risk factor for heart disease than conventional milk. The finding, published Monday in the journal…


Is Juicing Healthy For You?

Juicing is very quickly becoming one of the hottest topics we address in my clinic of integrative medicine. Because most of my patients are self-motivated in becoming healthier, they are quick to jump on the band wagon of some of the latest health trends. <img src=”×250.jpg”/> <A HREF=”;sz=300×250;ord=890904205?”>< IMG SRC=”;sz=300×250;ord=890904205?” BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 ALT=”Advertisement”></A&gtThe great…


Chamomile is Showing Outstanding Anti-Cancer and Anti-Anxiety Properties

Chamomile is Showing Outstanding Anti-Anxiety and Anti-Cancer Properties Chamomile is a flowering plant in the sunflower family. This plant is believed to have originated from Europe and Asia. Chamomile require open land to grow, usually growing wild. Chamomile plants can grow as tall as 15 to 60 cm. The leaves are long and small groups…


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Important Tips to Soothe and Relieve Dry Skin During Cold Months

(NaturalNews) Cold weather, low humidity levels and wind are factors that can  really dry out and damage your skin, especially when central heaters are used at  home. How can one alleviate dryness and help skin stay moist and healthy through  the coldest months of the year? Moisturize more! Find an “ointment” moisturizer that is oil-based, …


Diet’s Direct Link to Allergies, Nutrition, and Disease – Jeffrey Smith on GMOs: From Chemical Waste Dump to Your Plate


Jeffrey Smith on GMO’s: From Chemical Waste Dump to Your Plate – Jeffrey Smith on GMOs: From Chemical Waste Dump to Your Plate



2019 Galisteo St. Suite M6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

P: 505-984-0006

Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe provides cutting-edge chiropractic services.

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Family Chiropractic Center of Santa Fe is a family practice, providing safe and effective treatment for everyone from newborns to centenarians.

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